Tuesday, October 1, 2013


You have your marching orders, and you have the financing of the Koch Brother's $100,000 +++ club, along with Citizen's United in place to allow the funneling of billions and billions of added money into our negative advertising machine. Your Tea Party, the Koch Brothers, have already test marketed your message in Ohio. Now stay on message:
1. The Affordable Health Care Act should always be referred to as Obamacare. Do not mention Mitt Romney's, nor the Heritage Center's, nor leading Republican's, involvement in this socialistic effort. Republican involvement in this requirement for every American to purchase health care from private insurance companies never happened.
2. Your president is a lazy, communist who wants to destroy the American Economy.
3. Your president will negotiate with blood thirsty terrorists in Iran, Syria, and he will even negotiate with the Russians, but he won't negotiate with all of the fine upstanding, extreme right, Republicans in the United States House of Representatives.
4. No, the extreme right of the Republican Party is not insane even though the definition for insanity is to "do the same thing over, and over, expecting different results." Even though the extreme right of the Republican Party has done this over and over 42 times, even though the Tea Party's current position to do whatever it takes to repeal what was passed by both houses of congress, signed into law by President Obama, and upheld by a very conservative Supreme Court, even though it is the law of the land, let's do the same thing for a 43rd time. It was the DEMOCRATS who forced this government shutdown! We are not insane. Stick to message.
5. Go to Fox, Hannity, & Rush Limbaugh for further marching orders. Don't listen to anything else. The extreme Right of the Republican Party is not insane. We had nothing to do with Obama Care ( Good, now keep calling it ObamaCare, we even have some of them using our terminology, can you believe that!). Stay on message!

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