Saturday, August 17, 2013

What's Going On?

Our Duluth Area Move To Amend has made a survey that we are providing to area groups, and individuals, in our effort to help everyone focus their attention on the problem of Citizens United. Please contact me if you would like to have one of those surveys for your group. We are trying our best to work together with as many issue focused groups as possible. The 2010 Supreme Court decision entitled "Citizens United" reinforced attempts by some Mega-corporations to take over our economy, and our democracy. Those corporations are focused on the single purpose of "profits", to the detriment of "people". Below is a list of interest areas that are being dramatically affected by corporations being able to use their money as people use their "Freedom of Speech' and by corporations being legally defined as a person. These interest areas include:
Corporate Personhood
Student Debt
Health Care Acess
Corporate Media
The Military/Industrial Complex
People wanting background checks for individual wanting to purchase their guns online and at gun shows.
Tar Sands
Public Banks
Goldman Sachs
Popular Resistence

Let me know if you would like me to go into more detail about any one of the topics above or on any other topic that is not listed. Also, let me know if you would like to know where, besides Move To Amend, you could go to get more information on any of these concerns.

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