Sunday, August 11, 2013


Madison, Wisconsin

This will be my last report from our Madison, Wisconsin Democracy Convention.
Overall, it was a very invigorating experience. It was great to connect some Facebook friends to people I have come to know. Most every workshop was targeted and the people presenting knew what they were aiming for. It was good to know that we have dozens of alliances, dozens of collaborative efforts taking place. I do have one suggestion for everyone attending. I think we should quite being so damned realistic! I think this is a true for me, for other participants, but in particular, yes even you David Cobb, of those in leadership positions. We don't need you to be realistic. It wouldn't have helped for NASA and President John F. Kennedy, when they contemplated going to the moon. It wouldn't have helped for our soldiers as then attacked the beaches of Normady, nor for David against Goliath, and it wouldn't have helped for Herb Brooks, and our 1980 Winter Olympic hockey team of amateurs, against the professional Russian hockey players, and it won't help for Move To Amend against the Mega-corporations of the world. We need you to be, we expect you to be, unrealistic!
As Alice Hoffman said: "Once you know something, you can not unknow it. It's a burden that can not be given away." People who know something, and fail to act, are just as much an activist as those who carry signs and openly protest….perhaps even more effectively! We are at the point where we are in our country because we, others, have been too realistic, too willing to sit on the sidelines. If we get too realistic, we run the chance of being marginalized by the very mega-corporations we are trying to influence. We run the risk of being seen as some radical group, just as Mega-corporations were willing to marginalize the Take Down Wall Street group in many cases.
We still have our voices. We still have the ballot boxes. We have to, selectively, throw out those who are not willing to cooperate. Move To Amend is for the sake of clean air, clean water, good, uncontaminated, whole food, and accessible health care and a more peaceable world. It sounds like a conservative, simple, demand. Move To Amend is for the sake of our children and grand children. We the people, not "We the Mega-corporations", can make it happen.

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