Friday, August 2, 2013

America is not pleased with any of its political leaders. The approval rating of Congress has never been lower…..ever! Although the approval rating of the current President is lower than it has been in several months, the gap between the approval rating for Congress, and that of a sitting president, has never been wider! Compared to Congress, President Obama’s approval rating is off the charts, has never been higher. The most recent number I have seen for the approval of Congress is at about 17%. President Obama’s approval ratings stay around 45%. America is waking up to the influence of mega-corporations, and the 2010 Citizens United, on our economy and on the laws that are, or are not being passed. Mega-corporations are not the same as people. Too often, the same things that are required to keep people alive (clean air, clean water, and uncontaminated food), are being destroyed by corporations who only look out for the bottom line….profits. The people can vote, but with Citizens United, mega-corporations were granted the same protections for their money as the people have with their free speech. Corporations are not people! As a person, you can choose to join:
Mega-corporations, that are only motivated by profits, are not welcome!

Mega-corporations, that are only motivated by profits, are not welcome!


You can join 300+ other Duluth area citizens at:


Check out Citizern's United at:

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