Friday, August 9, 2013

I said that I would let you know what I learned about what the best opportunities are to reclaim our democracy.  When asked, expert educators, military personal, financial leaders, politicians, and Move To Amend leaders said that these were the best opportunities:
1.       Community Radio and local radio must be preserved and strengthened to keep our democracy local and provides the greatest opportunity to keep citizens informed.
2.      Our public schools must be strengthened and should not become the victims of the Mega-Corporate efforts to privatize, monetize, and eliminate public education.  Public schools provide one of the greatest opportunity to help inform our citizens about the basis of our U.S. Constitution, for the people and by the people.  There is tremendous opportunity as people do not want to give up their public schools.
3.      The crisis created by the Mega-Corporate take-over of our environment, our economy, our democracy, provides a great opportunity as the citizenship recognizes the crisis, and understand  that our current system is broken.
4.      Our U.S. Constitution provides a great opportunity as it requires that going to war is a decision that is to be made by congress.  Wars of aggression should only be instigated by our representatives.  We only need to follow the law that is currently in place.  When people realize that, currently, 50 cents of every federal tax dollar goes to fund war efforts, they may take back the power that the constitution already provides.
5.      There is a wonderful opportunity as people are willing to fight for democracy, to restore democracy to our form of government.  People are recognizing that Mega-Corporations have instituted a form of government that is no longer a representative democracy.  People understand that people are no longer in power and want the power back.

6.      People recognize that efforts to standardize, corporatize, monetize, privatize, and kill public education is under way.  There is an amazing opportunity to organize people around their schools as people are willing to fight for their kids.

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