Thursday, January 10, 2013


"CITIZEN'S UNITED" is a Supreme Court decision from 2010. In that decision, the United States Supreme Court changed the intent of our United States Constitution from "We the people........" to "We the Corporations.......". The U.S. Supreme Court established Mega-Corporations as, legally, identical to a person, Coporate Person Hood. There is a huge difference between Mega-Corporations and a person!
The very same things that kill and injure people such as high levels of mercury, carbon, lead, sulfur, cigarette smoke, and acid rain, are the same things that help many Mega-Corporations survive. That's a huge difference. In addition, Mega-Corporations thrive, live on, only on profits and high dividends but people thrive, live on, clean air, clean water, and contaminant free food. In that same U. S. Supreme Court decision, the U.S. Supreme Court equated our "free speech" with money. It established the concept that the more money you have, the more free speech you get. They required no trasnparency! The U.S. Supreme Court protected the money that Mega-Corporations use to buy legislators and to short cut the path of legislation to become the law of our land, with the same protection U.S. citizens were granted with our free speech! Move To Amend exists to ammend our U.S. Constitution to return the intent of our U.S. Constitution back to "We the PEOPLE..........."!

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