Thursday, January 3, 2013

The best example I saw on how the two parties work was yesterday, in the United States House of Representatives. When it came to fighting for large mega-corporations and anyone making over $250,000 a year, the Republicans fought tooth and nail for the cause but when it came to alloting low interest loans for victims of Hurricane Sandy, the Republicans wouldn't even let the House of Representatives vote on it! That was so republican of them!

They, Fox News, will even cover for the outragous ignorance of the need of Hurricane Sandy victims while bending over backwards supporting the extreme right wing of the Republican Party. Oh, the leadership of the Republican Party will, eventually, support a pittance of support towards the support of victims of Hurricane Sandy but will scratch their heads wondering why they, along with Fox News, plummet in the polls! Incredible!See More

Sean Hannity’s Ratings Plummet, But It Gets Worse: Rachel Maddow Surges
Sean Hannity’s ratings have plummeted, as we pointed out earlier, nosediving after the election as viewers tuned out of Fox News en masse.

Check out one Republican's response to his own Republican Party:

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