Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Please consider checking out, and joining:https://www.facebook.com/groups/DuluthAreaMTA/

We are one of the fastest growing Move To Amend groups in the United States. Citizen's United has been determined to be the worst Supreme Court Decision, in decades by both Republican John McCain and Democratic President Obama. Republican John McCain as gone on to say: "Citizen's United is the worst Supreme Court decision, EVER!. President Obama wen on to say: "Imagine the power this decision will give lobbyists over our politicians." Most all of the basic problems facing the United States are magnified by the United States Supreme Court interpreting our United States Constitution to start: "We the corporations......" The original intent, and the original words to our United States Constitution, actually starts with; "We the People......"! It's possible to get back our constitution, by amending our Constitution, as Move To Amend, and it's hundreds of coalitions, are working to do!


1 comment:

  1. Virg: Sorry I couldn't attend the meeting. Sounds like you had a significant turnout. Great! As a local, MoveToAmend chapter, what are the specific projects the group decided to undertake? What are the next goals, and steps? Vern
