I'm going to try to tell them, and you, what the big deal is! With your help, in the comment section below, we will document what the big deal is for your issue. Please share those thing that you have been sharing with me.
In 2010 the U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision that runs contrary to what our Founding Fathers worked so hard write a document, our United States Constitution that would preserve, the dignity, and importance of the "person", of the individual. In one fell swoop, the Supreme court gave mega-corporations all of the rights and privileges of being a person. It ruled that, in the eyes of the law, a corporation is a person. With this new power, corporations can now call on that power of person to "speak" through it's money. Yes, the court agreed that corporate money is the way a corporation talks! This right to "speak" to politicians comes with the protection of privacy such that corporations do not have to tell anyone which legislators they are buying or what legislation they are paying to have made into law! Republican John McCain said: "This is the worst United States Supreme Court decision…..EVER! Democratic President Obama said, in his last State of the Union Speech, with members of the Supreme Court present: "Imagine the power that you have given lobbyists over our politicians." That prediction has since come to pass. During the past election over 8 billion dollars was spent by lobbyists, on candidates, overtly. That's NOT counting the money that mega-corporations could funnel through secret PACs! Imagine the impact that money could have on a multitude of causes, your cause! Comment below how this new interpretation of our U.S. Constitution, which has now been changed to "We the Corporations….." instead of our Founding Fathers original intent of "We the PEOPLE…..!" Our Founding Fathers could not have been expected to foresee such a dramatic change in interpretation. We need to help them out by supporting efforts of Move To Amend, and its hundreds of coalitions, to return our United States Constitution to again be interpreted as; "We the people……."! Comment below on how your issue has been impacted by the turn away from the original intent of our United States Constitution:
I'm going to try to tell them, and you, what the big deal is! With your help, in the comment section below, we will document what the big deal is for your issue. Please share those thing that you have been sharing with me.In 2010 the U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision that runs contrary to what our Founding Fathers worked so hard write a document, our United States Constitution that would preserve, the dignity, and importance of the "person", of the individual. In one fell swoop, the Supreme court gave mega-corporations all of the rights and privileges of being a person. It ruled that, in the eyes of the law, a corporation is a person. With this new power, corporations can now call on that power of person to "speak" through it's money. Yes, the court agreed that corporate money is the way a corporation talks! This right to "speak" to politicians comes with the protection of privacy such that corporations do not have to tell anyone which legislators they are buying or what legislation they are paying to have made into law! Republican John McCain said: "This is the worst United States Supreme Court decision…..EVER! Democratic President Obama said, in his last State of the Union Speech, with members of the Supreme Court present: "Imagine the power that you have given lobbyists over our politicians." That prediction has since come to pass. During the past election over 8 billion dollars was spent by lobbyists, on candidates, overtly. That's NOT counting the money that mega-corporations could funnel through secret PACs! Imagine the impact that money could have on a multitude of causes, your cause! Comment below how this new interpretation of our U.S. Constitution, which has now been changed to "We the Corporations….." instead of our Founding Fathers original intent of "We the PEOPLE…..!" Our Founding Fathers could not have been expected to foresee such a dramatic change in interpretation. We need to help them out by supporting efforts of Move To Amend, and its hundreds of coalitions, to return our United States Constitution to again be interpreted as; "We the people……."! Comment below on how your issue has been impacted by the turn away from the original intent of our United States Constitution:

We the People, Not We the Corporations | Move to Amend
We, the People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling and other related cases, and move to amend our Constitution to firmly establish that money is not speech, and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights. Sig...
Virgil Boehland The Industrial Military Complex in the United States has too much to lose to support A United States at peace. Some of the major benefactors, such as GE, have been enjoying incredible profits while getting money from taxpayers through loopholes and rebates such that the middle class has to pay more and more in taxes to cover for the little, or nothing that these mega-corporations get by with.
Virgil Boehland The new focus on "We the Corporations......" gives all of the power to the banks, and other financial institutions, such that our justice system no longer works for the individual. We now have a justice system that only works well for the wealthiest among us. Those who are losing their homes, through foreclosures, are silenced by big money lawyers and are unaware of the laws that were put into place to protect them!
Virgil Boehland Too often the things that help keep mega-corporations alive are the very things that harm people. High levels of mercury, sulfur, carbons, carbon dioxide, lead, cigarette smoke, pesticides, herbicides, fine particulate, asbestos are money makers for mega-corporations but they kill people. Check out
Virgil Boehland The new focus on "We the Corporations........."and the reduction in tax rates in the State of Minnesoa, over recent decades has left college student with the highest percentage of debt ever and has left non-profits and non-partisan groups, such as MPIRG, underfunded. Check it out at:
Virgil Boehland The new focus on "We the Corporations......" gives all of the power to the banks, and other financial institutions, such that our justice system no longer works for the individual. We now have a justice system that only works well for the wealthiest among us. Those who are losing their homes, through foreclosures, are silenced by big money lawyers and are unaware of the laws that were put into place to protect them!
Virgil Boehland Too often the things that help keep mega-corporations alive are the very things that harm people. High levels of mercury, sulfur, carbons, carbon dioxide, lead, cigarette smoke, pesticides, herbicides, fine particulate, asbestos are money makers for mega-corporations but they kill people. Check out
Virgil Boehland The new focus on "We the Corporations........."and the reduction in tax rates in the State of Minnesoa, over recent decades has left college student with the highest percentage of debt ever and has left non-profits and non-partisan groups, such as MPIRG, underfunded. Check it out at:
Minnesota has the 4th highest average debt for a 4 year degree ($29,058) and the...See More