Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Why is it so hard for some to understand that many Democrats just want the best for our country?

Why is it so hard for some to understand that most Democrats are no more interested in the principles of Communism and/or strict socialism than the most conservative Republican?

Why is it so hard for some to understand that most Democrats understand that it is best when we teach people how to fish than it is to give them a fish?

Why is to so hard for some to understand that most Democrats want to effectively deal with the Federal Debt and that, in their lifetime, only Democrats have reduced the Federal Debt while all Republican Adminstrations have left office increasing the Federal Debt, dramatically?

Why is it so hard for some to understand even though hard work, and smart investment, is very important, most all very successful individuals depended heavily on the protection of the government, and the help of the government that provided them basic services, without which they could not have been so successful?

Why is it so hard for some to see that it is not good for our society if the number one reason for people to declare bankruptcy in our country is because they get sick?  Why is it so hard for some to understand that allowing insurance companies determine who could be insured, and who could be denied, coverage was taking the options, for those with pre-existing conditions, away from them to change jobs or careers or to live into adulthood without having to contemplate a life of poverty.

Why is it so hard for some to see that Global Climate Change is not just a concept?

Why is it so hard for some to understand that although Republicans use social issues to get elected, they primarily vote according to what is financially beneficial to the very, very wealthy?

Why are some so blind to the obvious, that President Obama and Mitt Romney are, both, very gifted, very moral, very smart individuals who want what is best for the citizens of  America.  Why are some so possessed with hate and/or prejudice that they use blatantly false information to reflect poorly on President Obama?

Why is it so hard for some to see that Fox is not news but is a 24 hour media machine for the extreme right wing of the Republican Party that attempts to camouflage its bias with real news stories?

Why is it so hard for some to see that the Republican Party, which was once seen as a balanced approach with a competitive, conservative approach for helping Americans, has now become so extreme that not even the matriarchs of the Republican Party are welcome?

Why is it so hard for some to understand that Democrats want the same for their children as they want for their own children, a fair opportunity to achieve the American Dream?  Why is it so hard for some to understand that Democrats don’t want a system that fosters dependency, either?

Why is it so hard for some to see that requiring the very, very wealthy to pay taxes at a rate similar to what they did during the Clinton, Reagan, and Eisenhower Administrations is not taking all of their money away, it is not redistribution, but is merely a part of a process to address the Federal Debt that reflects the success that the very, very wealthy have had?  Why should the very, very wealthy continue having the most favorable tax rates in recent history and have dozens of loopholes, and dozens of tax breaks, that result in many making more profits than ever while paying little, or no, taxes, and getting money from  us, the federal government?  Why are legislators not discussing removing loopholes, AND raising tax rates?  If the Federal Debt is that big of a deal, and I think it is, why are legislators, also, not considering reducing, temporarily, the tax breaks for all Americans?   Does not that seem like the balanced approach that is needed in our country?

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