Wednesday, December 26, 2012

We can do better?

We can, we must Move To Amend our U.S. Constitution.  Our Founding Fathers would not like the direction that corporations and the very, very wealthy has taken our country.  The "Citizen's United Supreme Court ruling is changing the intent of the first words of our constitution to "We the Corporations........."  and away from "We the PEOPLE............."  To give corporations the same legal status as individuals is destroying our democracy.  It is making a mockery out of "one person, one vote" to a situation that equivocates "free speech" with money.  To have the judiciary element of our country legitimize that the more money you have the more "free speech" you have, to elevate the good of the corporation above that of the individual, is taking us on a road we don't want to travel.  Our Founding Fathers would have fought to eliminate the corporate person hood evils that are overtaking our democracy.
Check out Move To Amend at:

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