Sunday, December 9, 2012


It's a good thing that inflation has been held at bay over the past 4 years.
It's a good thing that the yearly federal deficit has actually decreased under President Obama.
It's a good thing that the stock market has had it's best run ever for a first term president since over 54% of all Americans share in that success through retirement accounts, individual shares of stocks, and mutual funds.
It's a good thing that unemployment is now decreasing.  It is better than when it was increasing and the U.S. was losing over 700,000 jobs per month.
It's a good thing that the U.S. dollar has remained relatively strong.
It's a good thing that interest rates remain at record low levels.
It's a good thing that the housing market is now improving in 29 of the to 30 U.S. markets.
Middle class tax rates should remain where they are at in order to, at least, maintain our sluggish economy.
As long as women have a right to choose in our country, we do everything we can to keep procedures safe, and as few. as possible. 
Adoption should be encouraged.
It's a good thing that children with pre-existing can now get insurance coverage.
It's a good thing that we are headed in a direction to a time when getting sick is not the number one reason go bankrupt in the U.S.
The emergency room is not the most economical place to treat common, everyday, health concerns.
Tax loopholes that allow businesses, corporations, and individuals to pay no taxes should be closed.
Corporations should not be rewarded when they move jobs overseas.
It's a good thing when public assistance is not needed and our government should do what it can to create an atmosphere where it is not needed.
It is better to teach a person to fish than it is to give them a fish.
"Weather" and "climate" are two different things.
That global climate change is occurring.
It's a good thing that the bond market has remained strong over the past four years.
If we are going to install oil pipelines, that they be installed safely and located where they would do the least environmental damage if they were to break.
Clean air is important.
Clean water is important.
The safety of our food should be monitored and protected by our government.
Good roads, bridges, parks, postal service, rail systems, and public transportation are good for everyone.
Having a strong military benefits everyone in the U.S. and around the world.
It is better if our political leaders can agree to disagree without being disagreeable.
End of life decisions are best made by those most directly involved. Billions of dollars could be saved if we merely told those we love what we want for ourselves once that decision needs to be made and before that decision must be made. 
Both parties support simplifying the regulatory codes as well: Looking through the books, making rules simpler and clearer for businesses to follow and getting rid of outdated or duplicative regulations.
Both parties want Fannie and Freddie Mae gone and a smaller government role in the mortgage market in the future.
Both parties agree with The White House approval of new drilling in the Gulf and the Arctic. 
The national debt is a serious problem that will need to be addressed this year.
Legislation to encourage start-up businesses is a good thing.
Stringent new economic and financial sanctions on Iran are a good thing.
It's a good thing that businesses and corporations have given shareholders the highest dividends in the history of the United States, this year.
The widening gap between the middle class and the very, very wealthy is not healthy and needs to be addressed.
It's good if every child in America has the opportunity to do his very best in whatever he chooses to do.
It's good if barriers to individuals with handicaps are removed as much as economically possible.
That the intent of our U.S. Constitution's first words "We the people......" be maintained, and strengthened, when it is challenged.

See why middle class taxpayers are having to cover with tax rates from 25-35% for tax rates on the very,very wealthy who pay from 0% to 14%!!/photo.php?fbid=241307762617157&set=a.241307759283824.57184.241304559284144&type=1&theater&type=1&theater
or on my political blog at:
You can do something about this by learning about, and possibly joining, Move To Amend at:

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