Thursday, May 8, 2014

Fox, and to some degree MSNBC, is not a news organization.  Fox scours the news to find things that suit their political agenda.  In survey, after survey, it has been shown that people who watch Fox, are less informed than people who do not pay attention to any news source whatsoever. Just because they suggest: "We report, you decide.",  doesn't make it true.  They even trademarked their slogan "Fair and Balanced"….but that doesn't make that true either.  Everything they do is filtered through their glasses.  It's fine that people watch Fox, they are getting what they want, but they should not be fooled into thinking they are getting the news.  The main reason Fox has gained the popularity it has, in the cable network world, is that people who are over 60 trusted what they saw on TV.  Fox filled in that trust with bias.  The average age of Fox listeners is over 65.  If they are to stay viable, to continue their takeover of the Republican Party, they will have to change that demographic, or change the way they present their "news".
The ratings for 2013 are in, and it was a rough year for all cable news networks. Fox leads the cable channels but  all the cable news networks had lower ratings compared to 2012. It was Fox News, however, that saw the sharpest decline in viewers ages 25-54: the network lost 19 percent of its audience in the demo during total day, and a whopping 30 percent in primetime.  Falling viewership in the coveted 25-54 demo was a sore spot for the network last year. In January, for example, Fox News had its worst prime time ratings in the demo since August 2001, and its lowest total day ratings since June 2008. Greta Van Susteren and Sean Hannity saw record lows in the demo, and Bill O'Reilly suffered huge losses in the demo as well.  Fox does, consistently, lead the way in one category.  It has a 63% negative bias rating, the tops in the industry, year after year!

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