Maybe if George Orwell’s book was titled “2010”, we would have better understood what was happening, maybe we would have listened to his warnings? Maybe if they had mistakenly called it what it was,” Corporations United” instead of what the mega-world corporations wanted, “Citizens United”, we wouldhave better understood what they have done to our way of governing, to us, to the people. Corporations now have control.__________________________________________________________________
What a successful marketing campaign mega-world corporations have pulled off! They got the right people in the right place, our Supreme Court, they took one of our countries most cherished documents, our United States Constitution, and got them to redefine two of the most important words in that document, “speech” and “people” (or person), they redefined those words so that their money is legally the same as “speech” and they are legally the same as a “person”, they got the Supreme Court to call their case a name that means just the opposite, Citizens United, and you have a perfect takeover of our government, a government that is now by the mega-world corporations, for the mega-world corporations, and of mega-world corporations. “We the People” is now “We the Corporations”! What a successful marketing campaign! George Orwell must be spinning in his grave!
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