Friday, September 6, 2013

I love Alice Hoffman's quote about the burden of knowledge: "Once you know something, you can not unknow it. It's a tremendous burden that each of us shares."

We know that corporate personhood has been bad for our country, giving Mega-corporations the same protection with their money that we have for our speech.

We know that Citizens United is not what our founding fathers had in mind when they started the words to our U.S. Constitution with "We the people….". In recent decades it has been deliberately changed to: "We the Mega-corporations…….".

We know that A corporation is not a person when the very things that a person needs to survive (clean air, clean water, and healthy food) are too often contaminated by our Mega -corporation in order for them to survive. Some Mega-corporations survive by harming, and killing, people.

We know that a corporation should not be able to use its money for free speech. If money is the same as free speech than their voices, are much stronger than a person's voice.

Thinking Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and even Green Party candidates want Citizens United overturned. President Obama says that: Citizens United is the worst Supreme Court decision in decades and Republican John McCain says that it was the worst decision ever!
If we do know those things above than are things we can do. Alice Hoffman would say there are things we must do! If we don't act we are being just as much of an activist to keep things the same as those marching on the White House steps to get things changed. Here are some things we can do, we can:

1. We can sign the petition to join your local Move To Amend effort and your National Move To Amend:
2. We can become informed and, once you become informed, inform others via Facebook, editorials, talk shows, and/or just talk to people about Move To Amend and Citizens United. Minnesota can become the28th state to pass legislation in support of Move To Amend
3. We can donate some of our time and money to work on the cause of your choice. Environmentally, is one of the most important environmental web sites.
4. We can: Buy local, BUy local, BUY Local, BUY LOCAL!!

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