Saturday, September 28, 2013
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
It's important to understand that many of the claims about our affordable Healthcare Act are not true. They are just "Urban Myths". Statements made that are inaccurate include some that are from both sides of the political aisle. They include:, September 22, 2013
This is Robin and Laird, on the right, saying what no one has said better! Laird and Robin would also want to point out that: "MONEY IS NOT SPEECH"!
We, our Duluth Area Move To Amend, have lost two great leaders for change in the recent deaths of Laird Monahan and Steve O'Neil. We need everyone to ramp it up a notch to try to fill the tremendous vacuum that is left in their absence.
Here is the March of the Monahans! am saddened by the passing of a good friend, Laird Monahan. Laid and his brother, Robin, have always been so supportive of our Duluth Move To Amend. Laid attended our August meeting and was inspirational to all who attended, just as he remains an inspiration to everyone who understands what is at stake in our country. This is from: Nancy Antenucci - St. Paul Move To Amend 2:04pm Sep 21:
It is a sad day for we in Move to Amend. One of our movement's most inspirational voices, Laird Monahan, has been silenced. Laird passed away on September 19. What an honor to have met Laird on several recent visits to Minnesota. In 2010, Laird and his self-described "politically inert" brother, Robin, walked across the U.S. educating people about SCOTUS's horrific Citizens United decision. We carry on our work to build a democratic movement in the U.S. with a government responsible to We the People--ALL the people. We do it for ourselves and future generations; we do it in memory of Laird. Here is a link to their inspiring cross-country walk:
This is one of Laird Monahan's best speeches. It was delivered, on Armistice Day after the 2010 Citizens United Supreme Court Decision, November 11, 2012. Laird was a Viet Nam Veteran: Laird said:
"I won’t be talking about honoring our war dead. There are many others who will do that with much greater eloquence than I can muster. The sons and daughters, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives mothers and fathers of those who didn’t come home, can speak to their sacrifice.
I am here to talk about waging peace. Waging peace is not sitting around paying tribute to those who no longer can speak for themselves. Waging peace is acting out. Waging peace is talking truth to power. Waging peace is militant activism and being willing to risk getting pepper sprayed or spending time in jail for principles you believe in. We are waging a war against the engine of war; corporate profits. Corporations hear no voice that doesn’t affect their profits. Whether those profits are made from the manufacture of munitions and weapons or the resources of the invaded country, that is the driving force, in my opinion, of every engagement the U. S. has been in since WWII and Korea. Given that none of them have been initiated by an act of Congress, all have been illegal.
Are you mad enough yet?
The Supreme Court decision in the Citizens United v FEC case of January 2010, effectively handed our constitution over to those corporations. I was devastated. I waited a few days expecting the country to revolt and descend on Washington with pitchforks, torches, tar and feathers. It didn’t happen.
Are you made enough yet?
I told my wife that when Robin and I, and most of you, entered the military, we took an oath to defend the constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. My country was calling me back into service to stand by and uphold that oath. I joined Move To Amend and Veterans for Peace to do just that.
Who will stand with me to honor that oath?
Are you made enough yet?
Who is willing to walk the extra mile to restore the Constitution to “We the People”?
Are you mad enough yet?
Who will join with me, Move to Amend, and Veterans for Peace against the Goliath of our corporate owned government and wage peace?
Thank you all for being here and thanks to Veterans for Peace for this great Armistice Day event.- More Stories
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Here is someone who makes a good point whether you agree with her, or not. She is willing to stand up. She wants to "talk"! She wants others to stand up for what they believe in. As Alice Hoffman said: "Once you know something, you can't unknow it. It's an amazing burden that we all share." We are all activists. Some of us are activists to keep thing the same, to ignore what is going on around us, by doing nothing. Others are activists for change they would like to see by actively participating. It's not the most important thing that active activists have time, or not, but almost all have the "heart".
Saturday, September 14, 2013
This is how Mega-Corporations are abusing our democracy. Corporations, as people, can use their money to buy elections. They pretend to be social welfare groups to avoid paying taxes. They charge each member of their social welfare group a minimum of $100,000 to be a member of their group and get tax deductions to do so! This is outrageous! We must Move To Amend our Constitution! We must take back our democracy and get back to a ! U.S. Constitution that was written by and for "The People"...starting with "We the People...." must Move To Amend Our U.S. Constitution.
We, the People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling and other related cases, and move to amend our Constitution to firmly establish that money is not speech, and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights.
Friday, September 6, 2013
I love Alice Hoffman's quote about the burden of knowledge: "Once you know something, you can not unknow it. It's a tremendous burden that each of us shares."
We know that corporate personhood has been bad for our country, giving Mega-corporations the same protection with their money that we have for our speech.
We know that Citizens United is not what our founding fathers had in mind when they started the words to our U.S. Constitution with "We the people….". In recent decades it has been deliberately changed to: "We the Mega-corporations…….".
We know that A corporation is not a person when the very things that a person needs to survive (clean air, clean water, and healthy food) are too often contaminated by our Mega -corporation in order for them to survive. Some Mega-corporations survive by harming, and killing, people.
We know that a corporation should not be able to use its money for free speech. If money is the same as free speech than their voices, are much stronger than a person's voice.
Thinking Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and even Green Party candidates want Citizens United overturned. President Obama says that: Citizens United is the worst Supreme Court decision in decades and Republican John McCain says that it was the worst decision ever!
If we do know those things above than are things we can do. Alice Hoffman would say there are things we must do! If we don't act we are being just as much of an activist to keep things the same as those marching on the White House steps to get things changed. Here are some things we can do, we can:
1. We can sign the petition to join your local Move To Amend
2. We can become informed and, once you become informed, inform others via Facebook, editorials, talk shows, and/or just talk to people about Move To Amend and Citizens United. Minnesota can become the28th state to pass legislation in support of Move To Amend
3. We can donate some of our time and money to work on the cause of your choice. Environmentally, is one of the most important environmental web sites.
4. We can: Buy local, BUy local, BUY Local, BUY LOCAL!!
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
This is a message from Robert Reich. He has served in both Republican and Democratic administrations. He knows what he is talking about. He always keeps it short and to the point. Here is what he had to say related to our Labor Day celebrations: When I served in President Clinton's cabinet, we had some good years when—for many Americans—doing good work meant earning good pay.
But these days, with persistently high unemployment and with inequality on the uptick, many working families just don't have the opportunities they used to.
As we celebrate this holiday weekend, let's honor the spirit of Labor Day by committing ourselves to turn that around. I've put together a short video explaining how we can help working families get a fair shake. I hope you'll check it out.
But these days, with persistently high unemployment and with inequality on the uptick, many working families just don't have the opportunities they used to.
As we celebrate this holiday weekend, let's honor the spirit of Labor Day by committing ourselves to turn that around. I've put together a short video explaining how we can help working families get a fair shake. I hope you'll check it out.
Monday, September 2, 2013
"Voting is easy and marginally useful, but it is a poor substitute for democracy, which requires direct action by concerned citizens"- Ben Franklin
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