Tuesday, October 23, 2012

We must "Move To Amend" our U.S. Constitution!

Corporations are not people!
Money is not the same as "Free Speech"!
You can do something about it.  Check out:
The U.S. Constitution starts with:
"We the people"  NOT  "We the Corporation"

Check out the video below by clicking on:

Sen. Bernie Sanders has proposed a constitutional amendment that would overturn the Supreme Court decision in a case called Citizens United vs. FEC.
The Saving American Democracy Amendment states that:
  • Corporations are not persons with constitutional rights equal to real people.
  • Corporations are subject to regulation by the people.
  • Corporations may not make campaign contributions or any election expenditures.
  • Congress and states have the power to regulate campaign finances.
Check out Senator Bernie Sanders efforts here:

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