Who is part of the 47% that so many are talking about?
He actually insulted about 75% of the country with one line! Because about half of that 47% he talked about are (or were) his supporters! A lot of retirees and disabled vets are republicans such as myself. I put in my 20 years and retired, then went out and got another job and again retired. I paid into social security and a retirement account the whole time, and paid into income taxes too, but now since I am retired and on disability I no longer need to pay income tax and yes I get my government handout every month. The trouble is, it's NOT a handout, and it's NOT an entitlement, it's a benefit that I paid insurance for out of every paycheck for over 50 years. It's my payback for going off to war in Vietnam for a paycheck of $44.00 a week, and working 17-20 hour days 7 days a week to serve my country. It's my payback for having survived long enough to collect on what I put into the program, with interest, so no Mr Romney, I am part of your 47%, but I am not incapable of taking care of myself, or taking responsibility for myself. I did those things a long time ago and now you and your cronies want to wipe all that out and say it doesn't count. You want to erase the governments promise just like your corporate lawyers erase the retirement promises of your corporations when the money gets tight. And I say no to that and no to you. I will vote for Obama. See Mr Romney....I am NOT helpless and unable to take care of my own needs, and I need you gone.
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