Monday, September 10, 2012

Which Political Party Has Been Better for Farmers, Small Businesses, Large Businesses, and Corporations?

The best 12 years, ever, for the United States economy have taken place during the last 12 years of a Democratic Party administration!

No other 12 years of U. S. history have seen the gains in the stock market and small businesses like those that took place under Democrat Bill Clinton and Democratic President Obama!

United States corporations and business have had the best 3+ years EVER! No president in over 75 years (10) has seen more positive results for the first term of a presidency.  Big businesses and corporations are paying the highest dividends EVER in the history of the U.S. economy!  President Obama is one of only five presidents, ever, who have witnessed the blue-chip index surge more than 50% during their first three years in office. 

"It's the economy, Stupid." - James Carville - 1992


Recession - The last 8 years of a Republican Administration economy. (2001-2009)
Recovery - The 4 year Democratic Obama Administration economy (2009-2012)
Reduced Federal spending - Obama Administration (2009-2012)

Reduced Government Employees - Obama Administration (2009-2012)
Last Great Economy - Democratic Clinton Administration (1993-2001)
The National Debt - A serious problem, created by Republicans and Democrats, after the Democratic Clinton Administration had  balanced the national debt (we had a $380 billion surplus!) , that will need to be addressed by Republicans and Democrats working together.

  • In my lifetime, only (ALL) Republican Administrations have increased the Unites States Federal Debt - George W. Bush, George H. W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, and Gerald Ford all oversaw an increase in the country's indebtedness.

    The five former Democratic Presidents (Bill ClintonJimmy CarterLyndon B. JohnsonJohn F. Kennedy, and Harry S. Truman) all reduced public debt as a share of GDP, while the last four Republican Presidents (George W. BushGeorge H. W. BushRonald Reagan, and Gerald Ford) all oversaw an increase in the country's indebtedness.

  •  The over 4.5 million Americans who now have jobs, who didn't have jobs before Democratic President Obama, are now paying taxes.   Many months have seen over 100,000 new jobs compared to the 8 year record, before President Obama when, under a Republican administration, 450,000 to 700,000 individuals, per month, were losing their jobs.

1 comment:

  1. Democrats V Republicans - The Debt and Employment This is from The Pragmatic Pundit.

    Republicans held the presidency at the onset of EIGHT (8) of the last 9 economic downturns, including the two greatest economic collapses in our history.

    Clearly Democratic Presidents create more jobs per year than Republican presidents. Unemployment rates are higher under’s just a fact.

    Johnson 1966-1969 average unemployment rate of 3.7%.
    Clinton 1994-2001 average unemployment rate of 4.9%.
    Kennedy 1962-1965 average unemployment rate of 5.2%.
    Nixon 1970-1977 average unemployment rate of 6.3%.
    Bush 1990-1993 average unemployment rate of 6.7%.
    Carter 1978-1981 average unemployment rate of 6.7%.
    Reagan 1982-1989 average unemployment rate of 7.3%.
