Saturday, September 29, 2012

What about Mitt Romney's 47%?

Do you agree with Mitt Romney that all of the 47% of people, who get back money from a program they have paid into, are victims?

I included one of his related quotes on the bottom of this page.

Do you understand that about half of those people who pay into Social Security, don't ever recover the money they put into the program, much less the interest on the amount they paid? Does that make them all "victims"? Are you a victim if you pay money to the federal government and get a tax refund? I would think someone who understands insurance would understand how social security and Medicare work? They are types of insurance. Some get back more than they paid into, some get back less. Are all people who make claims on their car insurance and homeowners insurance victims too? Is someone a victim if they pay more money in taxes during the year and then get a tax refund? Are all of the people who work for so many of the top 50 corporations in the United States victims because their employee gets tax subsidies from the government? Have you ever got a tax refund? How is that different than someone who pays into the social security system and gets less back in benefits than what they paid?
Do you understand that the 47% that Mitt referred to includes people who do pay payroll taxes?  These people also pay state taxes, local taxes, real estate taxes,  and sales taxes.  They are part of the groupwho Mitt claims
Students who are working part time to keep their student loans down, while going to school full time, are included in the 47%. Do you see those people as victims too? Many people are working 2 and 3 jobs to feed, cloth, and house their family but do not make enough money to pay federal taxes? The do pay sales taxes and state taxes and local taxes. Do you agree with Mitt that these people are victims?
Is everone who has ever received social security, or federal assistance, a victim?
Are all retired military, from Viet Nam to Iraq, to Afghanistan, victims? They are included in Mitt Romney's 47%. Do you agree with Mitt? Mitt Romney, himself, if he chose to, could arrange his affairs, quite legally, to pay no taxes. When he ran Bain, he could have fallen into this group. It’s very easy for the manager of a hedge fund or private equity fund to have a billion-dollar income and pay no income taxes. Mitt Romney's mother was on public assistance when they moved back to the United States from Mexico. She would be included in Mitt's 47%, so would necessarily be a victim and would then vote for President Obama?
Is everyone who pays a lower percent of their income in taxes than the average taxpayer, a victim? Why not?
You indicated that you think that the referees had an unfair advantage over the NFL because their work could not be outsourced to a foreign country? Should they have to work for whatever the NFL decides they are worth as you stated should be the case for teachers, fireman, and police officers? Should your doctors work for whatever the hospital administration determines is enough regardless of how much they have had to pay in loans to get their degree? What if the hospital determines the amount they feel comfortable paying would never allow them to buy a house, feed their family, or be able to repay their loans?
Is everyone who pays a lower percent of their income in taxes than the average taxpayer, a victim? Why not?

"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. There is a huge chunk of President Obama's supporters who don't pay taxes, believing they are "victims".
I think David Brooks said it best:

David Brooks"Sure, there are some government programs that cultivate patterns of dependency in some people. I'd put federal disability payments and unemployment insurance in this category. But, as a description of America today, Romney's comment is a country-club fantasy. It's what self-satisfied millionaires say to each other. It reinforces every negative view people have about Romney.

See why middle class taxpayers are having to cover for tax rates on the very,very wealthy of from 0% to 14%t!/photo.php?fbid=241307762617157&set=a.241307759283824.57184.241304559284144&type=1&theater

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