Overwhelmingly, according to recent surveys, the oldest generation of Americans are satisfied with tax dollar spending as long as it includes increased emphasis on Social Security, while younger American taxpayers want their money to be more focused on job creation and education. All generations want increased emphasis on infrastructure. Can you see why?
We have more people in our prisons than any country on Earth!
We have more low-paying, poverty jobs, than any major country on Earth!
We have more corporate welfare than any country on Earth!
We have the largest wage gap, with the major concentration of wealth going the top .1% of the most wealthy people on Earth!
We spend more money on our military than the next 13 countries, and 11 of them are on our side! Admiral Mike Mullen, the past Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has said: "The single greatest threat to our national security is our debt."
The U.S. is now spending close to 900 billion dollars, per year, on military spending! Is this what the people want? Multinational corporations are not the same as people! Multinational corporate money is not the same as our free speech! Citizens United must go! www.htpps://movetoamend.org

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