WHO IS IN CONTROL of the United States? Where do we choose to spend our tax dollars?
Overwhelmingly, according to recent surveys, the oldest generation of Americans are satisfied with tax dollar spending as long as it includes increased emphasis on Social Security, while younger American taxpayers want their money to be more focused on job creation and education. All generations want increased emphasis on infrastructure. Can you see why?
We have more people in our prisons than any country on Earth!
We have more low-paying, poverty jobs, than any major country on Earth!
We have more corporate welfare than any country on Earth!
We have the largest wage gap, with the major concentration of wealth going the top .1% of the most wealthy people on Earth!
We spend more money on our military than the next 13 countries, and 11 of them are on our side! Admiral Mike Mullen, the past Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has said: "The single greatest threat to our national security is our debt."
The U.S. is now spending close to 900 billion dollars, per year, on military spending! Is this what the people want? Multinational corporations are not the same as people! Multinational corporate money is not the same as our free speech! Citizens United must go! www.htpps://movetoamend.org
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Sunday, November 23, 2014
This new NBC/WSJ poll conducted November 14-17 provides a post election snap shot of American voter expectations, including their priorities for actions Congress should take. Can you guess how they match up with GOP Lawmaker's priorities? It's a real shocker folks.
The People's agenda for Congress:
1. Access to lower cost student loans--80% support.
2. Increase spending on infrastructure--75%
3. Raising the minimum wage--65%
4. Emergency funding for fighting Ebola in Africa--60%
5. Addressing climate change/reducing carbon emissions--59%
6. Building Keystone Pipeline--54%
Agenda items registering below 50% support were: lowering taxes by closing loopholes; approving U.S. troops to fight ISIS in Iraq and Syria; reducing Medicare and Social Security benefits for wealthy retirees; new trade agreements with Asian nations; lowering corporate tax rates; cutting funding for ACA; path to citizenship; and raising Social Security retirement age.
I thought it would be insightful to compare America's priorities with those of our newly elected Congress. According to PolitiFact.com
House Speaker John Boehner and soon-to-be Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have laid out some of their top legislative priorities. It’s a range of issues -- everything from dismantling the Affordable Care Act to passing international trade agreements, and shutting down the possibility of another government shutdown.
Here is PolitiFact's list in the order presented:
1. Authorize Keystone Pipeline.
2. Repeal ACA ("Obamacare")
3. Pass the "Hire More Heroes" (veterans) Act.
4. Pass Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement with Asia.
5. Lower corporate taxes.
6. Thwarting Obama on Immigration Executive Action.
7. Reign in the EPA and roll back environmental regulations.
In a Wall Street Journal op ed published the day after the election, Boehner and McConnell outline some of their legislative priorities.
Looking ahead to the next Congress, we will honor the voters’ trust by focusing, first, on jobs and the economy. Among other things, that means a renewed effort to debate and vote on the many bills that passed the Republican-led House in recent years with bipartisan support, but were never even brought to a vote by the Democratic Senate majority.
A distillation of the Boehner/McConnell priorities in the order presented.
1. Repeal "Obamacare."
2. Authorize the Keystone Pipeline.
3. Pass the "Hire More Heroes" (veterans) Act.
4. Restore "traditional" definition of full time work week to 40 hours (see item 1.)
5. Protect and expand America's energy boom [thanks Obama].
6. Support charter schools with tax dollars.
Keeping in mind their promise "honor the voters' trust" it is interesting to note that there is only one item in common with the voters actual agenda for Congress, which is #6 on the people's list and #2 on B & M's list. Other than that, these Republican leaders address none of the issues Americans have said are the most important; nothing about student loans or the cost of college; nothing about infrastructure, bridges and roads; nothing about the minimum wage; after all their hysteria before the election, nothing about money to fight the Ebola outbreak; and instead of addressing climate change and reducing carbon emissions they of course want to do just the opposite.
How is that for honoring the voters' trust? It is clear the GOP doesn't trust voters at all, because they will do everything in their power to lower voter enthusiasm and participation, and therefore have no intention of honoring voters' trust by addressing the issues that matter most. The GOP agenda is the Koch Brothers' agenda. It is Sheldon Adelson's, the Walton's and the oil companies' agenda.
Friday, November 21, 2014
coin represents political power.
one side of the coin is Move to Amend and those in the struggle for real
democracy. We believe in people, and if our history teaches us anything, it
shows the power of people to right injustice through social movements. We
are building a broad and deep democracy movement.
We are seeking political power to transform government so that we may finally secure a functioning democracy, which:
· Recognizes that all people are people with
unalienable rights,
· That corporations are NOT people with
Constitutional rights,
· That money is not a protected form of
political speech, and
· Is the instrument through which social,
economic, and environmental justice will prevail.
the other side of the coin is the American Legislative Exchange Council(ALEC)
comprised of publicly and privately held, often multi-national corporations and
elected representatives. ALEC seeks to maintain and expand its already
significant political power, which:
· They wield to pass corporate-written
· Benefits their bottom lines and the
re-election campaigns of member legislators,
· Seeks to diminish the rights of “We the
People,” and
· Permanently establishes a ruling class of
haves and have-nots.
this crucial moment in our history the coin has been tossed into the air. It is
still on its way up, flipping over and over. Will it be heads or tails? Democracy
or oligarchy? Move to Amend or ALEC?
to Amend's recent Election Day successes are the result of a growing movement,
but we cannot rest on our laurels. We must continue to grow to keep winning and
building the democracy movement. It all begins with our Motion to Amend
Our goal is 25,000 more signatures on the petition by the end of this year. Will you ask ten friends to sign the petition today?
Our goal is 25,000 more signatures on the petition by the end of this year. Will you ask ten friends to sign the petition today?
may be two sides of the same coin, but the outcome of this coin toss will have
serious repercussions for all generations to come. Share this link today to help us
reach our goal and grow the movement. http://movetoamend.nationbuilder.com/petition
cannot afford to lose the great American coin toss.
in the movement,
Daniel Lee, David Cobb, Egberto Willies, George Friday, Jerome
Scott, Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap, Laura Bonham, Edgar Franks, Richard Monje,
Virginia Rasmussen
Move to Amend National Leadership Team
PS -- Amending the Constitution to put corporations in their place and get big money out of politics is so very important -- please help our movement grow by doing the simple act of recruiting ten of your friends to sign the Motion to Amend http://movetoamend.nationbuilder.com/petition
Move to Amend National Leadership Team
PS -- Amending the Constitution to put corporations in their place and get big money out of politics is so very important -- please help our movement grow by doing the simple act of recruiting ten of your friends to sign the Motion to Amend http://movetoamend.nationbuilder.com/petition
emailing them the link and posting it to social media.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
WHEW! WE CAN BE GLAD THAT'S OVER! I BET NOW THEY WILL ROLL UP THEIR SLEEVES AND GET TO WORK! NOT! AND YOU THOUGHT YOU SAW OBSTRUCTIONISM BEFORE! This is exactly what multinational corporations wanted! Nothing will change. They will continue to be successful beyond their wildest imaginations! After all, their money is now, thanks to Citizens United of 2010, the same as our speech! They don't have to tell who, or what, they supported to get more of the same....GRIDLOCK! Was the public better informed, with all of these added political advertisements? We must Move To Amend! https:www.movetoamend.org
Sunday, November 2, 2014
THE TRUTH IS: President Obama’s lowest ratings are higher than the lowest of any President since John F. Kennedy. That’s right. At President Reagan’s lowest, he was at just 35 percent. President George W. Bush once hit 19 percent!
If you’ve spent any time at all paying attention to the mainstream, or what is often called the “liberal” media, you might be under the impression that the country is turning on President Obama — that his approval rating has never been lower. The only problem with that meme is that it’s simply not true.
The news media reminders arrive almost daily now: President Obama’s approval rating is low and going lower. McClatchy Newspapers highlighted the “dropping approval ratings,” while the Washington Post declared “President Obama’s approval ratings have plunged to record lows.” The Christian Science Monitor noted the numbers have “plummeted.” The Washington Examiner stressed the president’s approvals were “sinking to historic lows,” while an Atlantic headline announced, “Obama’s Sinking Approval Could Drag Democrats Down With Him.”
The news media reminders arrive almost daily now: President Obama’s approval rating is low and going lower. McClatchy Newspapers highlighted the “dropping approval ratings,” while the Washington Post declared “President Obama’s approval ratings have plunged to record lows.” The Christian Science Monitor noted the numbers have “plummeted.” The Washington Examiner stressed the president’s approvals were “sinking to historic lows,” while an Atlantic headline announced, “Obama’s Sinking Approval Could Drag Democrats Down With Him.”
A plummeting presidential approval rating right before a midterm election definitely adds drama to the news cycle and it has had the effect of scaring Democratic candidates away from the President, but if anyone would actually sit down and look at the numbers, they’d see that Obama’s approval ratings have hardly budged since the beginning of the year. As a matter of fact, they aren’t much lower than they were in October of 2012, right before he was reelected in a landslide.
According to the cumulative ratings posted daily at Real Clear Politics, which averages together an array of national polls to come up with Obama’s composite job approval rating, the president’s approval on January 1, 2014 stood at 42.6 percent. The president’s approval rating on October 30, was 42 percent. So over the course of ten months, and based on more than one hundred poll results in 2014, Obama’s approval rating declined less than one point.
One point!
One can safely say Obama is the only president in U.S. history whose approval rating dropped a single digit over a ten-month stretch and it was described as having “plummeted.”
In the weeks leading to the 2012 election, things weren’t much better. There was a big uptick immediately before the election, probably in the wake of Hurricane Sandy and Mitt Romney’s infamous 47 percent remarks, but before that, the President was only at 44 percent.
No, his approval ratings are not stellar. They’re only 3 percent over his all-time low of 39 percent. Historically, Obama’s lowest ratings are higher than the lowest of any President since John F. Kennedy. That’s right. At Saint Ronnie Reagan’s lowest, he was at just 35 percent. George W. Bush once hit 19 percent.
Back to the present, Congress has an approval rating of below 13 percent, yet somehow, it’s Obama’s approval ratings, at more than triple that, that makes headlines and makes congressional candidates turn tail and run.
You still think the media is in Obama’s pocket?
According to the cumulative ratings posted daily at Real Clear Politics, which averages together an array of national polls to come up with Obama’s composite job approval rating, the president’s approval on January 1, 2014 stood at 42.6 percent. The president’s approval rating on October 30, was 42 percent. So over the course of ten months, and based on more than one hundred poll results in 2014, Obama’s approval rating declined less than one point.
One point!
One can safely say Obama is the only president in U.S. history whose approval rating dropped a single digit over a ten-month stretch and it was described as having “plummeted.”
In the weeks leading to the 2012 election, things weren’t much better. There was a big uptick immediately before the election, probably in the wake of Hurricane Sandy and Mitt Romney’s infamous 47 percent remarks, but before that, the President was only at 44 percent.
No, his approval ratings are not stellar. They’re only 3 percent over his all-time low of 39 percent. Historically, Obama’s lowest ratings are higher than the lowest of any President since John F. Kennedy. That’s right. At Saint Ronnie Reagan’s lowest, he was at just 35 percent. George W. Bush once hit 19 percent.
Back to the present, Congress has an approval rating of below 13 percent, yet somehow, it’s Obama’s approval ratings, at more than triple that, that makes headlines and makes congressional candidates turn tail and run.
You still think the media is in Obama’s pocket?
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