Saturday, September 13, 2014

This is just the way our new system of government works. It used to be a government of, by, and for, the people, a democracy/representative republic. It is now an oligarchy/corporatocracy, a government of, by, and for, the muti-international corporations of the world. This only took a matter of weeks to happen but the 41 senators who blocked a raise in the minimum wage will have to wait to get another automatic raise until January 1, 2015! We don't even get to vote for those who are actually in control of our government. We don't get to vote for the lobbyists, the CEO's, the banking industry, the Super PACs, that are now handing out the money and controlling who gets elected, and what legislation gets passed. Just listen to the ads to try find out who is now controlling the election process. You can't always tell because they can hide behind the name of their Super PACs. htpp://

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