Saturday, September 27, 2014

1. The housing market, in 50 of the top 50 U.S. markets, is now improving the best it has in many years.
2. The United States dollar has remained strong in the United States, and overseas.
3. The United States auto industry is now back to being the number one auto industry in the world.
4. Our United States inflation/cost of living rates remains at the lowest rates they have ever been for any administration in our lifetimes.
5.  The United States is experiencing it’s 63 straight month of economic growth, one of the strongest runs for any presidential administration ever.
6.  The United States is currently experiencing the longest run of private sector job growth (54 straight months) that is the longest in American History.
7.  The unemployment rate has gone from 10.1% to 6.1% since President Obama has been in office.  A conservative estimate is that it may likely be at 5.4% by the summer of 2015.
8.  The United States Stock Market has fully recovered from the near depression and continues to set historically record highs on a very regular basis.
9.  The United States Federal Deficit continues to shrink.  It is now at levels that put it at 2/3 of what it was in 2009.
10.  Spending increases at the Federal level, under President Obama, is the lowest it has been since the Eisenhower Administration.  It is currently at 1.4%, annually.
11. Income taxes under the Obama Administration are lower than they have been in 50 years, for 95% of American citizens.
12.  Domestic oil production is at all-time record highs, while fuel efficiency standards are the best they have ever been, resulting in the least dependence in foreign oil in decades.
13.  Over 7 million Americans now have health insurance compared to 5 years ago.
14.  Children with expensive medical concerns can no longer be refused health care coverage.

15. The life of Medicare has been extended by 13 years thanks to the Affordable Health Care Act, while health care costs are seeing the slowest rise in costs since the 1950’s and 60’s.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE IS REAL. IT IS EXPENSIVE. IT WILL GET WORSE! IT MAY NOT BE TOO LATE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! We should not leave this situation to our children and grandchildren. It will be a legacy that none of us can be proud of: "Grandpa/Grandma, why didn't you do anything to stop this?" We should be embarrassed that it has gotten this bad before we forced our leaders to act. This is one of the best sites that can be used to help people understand why the carbon cycle is so important:
It is a bit detailed but it is critical that everyone, particularly our political leaders, gets a handle, at the very least, on understanding that rising temperatures, and rising carbon dioxide levels, are no hoax. It is no joke! It is not science researchers trying to stay employed. The information is overwhelming! It is real. The data for this graph comes for ice core samples taken from the tops of Hawaiian mountains and is correlated with other data from around the world.
This graph is a compilation of real data. It is information taken over a fairly short period of time, compared to the climate changes that involved past ice ages. The water levels will rise, have been rising, due to melting ice because it is ice that was not floating in the oceans. Some still use their ice cubes floating in their drinks as an example for why melting ice should have no impact on rising sea levels! The added water is from ice that was on land.
Big oil, and big energy, corporations, multi-international corporations, are still out there trying to keep us hooked on fossil fuels. They have billions of tax payer subsidy dollars to use to make their case that the jury is still out, to convince us that all of the evidence to the contrary is trumped up....very similar to the way cigarette companies used to operate in the United States and still do operate around the world.....but...I'll give it a go anyway..........................WHAT EVIDENCE DO YOU HAVE OF GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE? If someone were to ask you that question, you could answer: "Sea level rise, global temperature rise, warming oceans, shrinking ice sheets, dramatically increasing carbon dioxide levels, declining Arctic sea ice, glacial retreat, extreme weather events, and ocean acidification are happening, not just predicted, but have already happened! The best source I have found for the support of this information, that details each of these events, is at:

Saturday, September 13, 2014

This is just the way our new system of government works. It used to be a government of, by, and for, the people, a democracy/representative republic. It is now an oligarchy/corporatocracy, a government of, by, and for, the muti-international corporations of the world. This only took a matter of weeks to happen but the 41 senators who blocked a raise in the minimum wage will have to wait to get another automatic raise until January 1, 2015! We don't even get to vote for those who are actually in control of our government. We don't get to vote for the lobbyists, the CEO's, the banking industry, the Super PACs, that are now handing out the money and controlling who gets elected, and what legislation gets passed. Just listen to the ads to try find out who is now controlling the election process. You can't always tell because they can hide behind the name of their Super PACs. htpp://