Monday, August 4, 2014

What could they do?
How about immigration reform and dealing with the problem of forcing our best, and brightest students to deal with predatory lenders to cover for their astronomical student loans? How about highway and bridge maintenance? Can they do nothing to help better care for our Veterans? Shouldn't campaign finance reform, at least, be discussed? Congress could do SOMETHING about Global Climate Change. Congress could do SOMETHING about the takeover of our government by multi-international corporations! They could quite paving the way for multi-international corporations to dominate everything that used to be controlled by The People. Doing nothing about Citizens United, giving muti-international corporate money the same legal definition as our speech and the corporation the same rights as a person, has resulted in a government takeover, giving corporations the ability to control our economy, our courts, our environment, our media, our prison system, our military system and our ballot boxes.
“In a country as wealthy as the United States, all workers should be able to afford stable housing, healthy food, quality education, and health care. It is also an economic imperative to support our workers if we want to remain competitive globally and boost our economy.
This means increasing wages and labor protections so that every worker, in every industry, can support a family, build assets, and plan for retirement. It also means ensuring that today's workers--and tomorrow's--have opportunities to gain the education, skills, and training needed to move up at work, and become a part of the middle class.
From All-In Nation, here are six things that President Obama and Congress can do right now to put us on the path to economic equity and inclusion:
1. Guarantee Domestic Workers Basic Wage and Labor Protections. Nearly two years ago, President Obama pledged to extend basic workplace rights to our country's 1.8 million domestic workers. While new rules from the Department of Labor extending minimum wage and other basic workplace protections to in-home caregivers have been proposed, they have yet to be finalized.
2. Do Business Only with Companies that Pay Good Wages and Offer Benefits.Every year the federal government spends more than $500 billion on goods and services.
3. Increase the Minimum Wage. As Christian Weller, Julie Ajinkya, and Sarah Treuhaft write in All-In Nation, "raising the minimum wage from $7.25 per hour to $10.10 would put $51.5 billion annually in the pockets of affected workers, who are disproportionately people of color, and would create approximately 140,000 new jobs every year." President Obama and Congress have both an economic and moral incentive to make this happen as soon as possible.
4. Train Low-Income Youth and Adults for Good Jobs in High-Growth Industries.Congress should pass the Pathways Back to Work bills proposed by Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Rep. George Miller (D-CA), which would prepare hundreds of thousands of low-income youth and adults for quality jobs in high-growth industries.
5. Strengthen Community Colleges. The Obama Administration and Congress should enact policies like the Community College to Career Fund proposed in President Obama's FY 2013 budget that would train 2 million workers for well-paid jobs in high-demand sectors.
These steps would be a good start to creating an all-in nation and fostering an inclusive, vibrant economy.”
Angela Glover Blackwell is the founder and CEO of PolicyLink.

Actually, they have had time to do some things besides raising money to get re-elected!

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