Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Please join us at the Coppertop Church, 230 East Skyline Prkway, the church at the top of the hill, tonight, July 22nd for the Move To Amend Barnstorming Event. It starts at 7:00 p.m. Coffee, bars, cookies, fruit, pie, juice, lemonade (Whatever Duluth Area Move To Amend Members bring to the event!) David Cobb is inspirational and motivational. I have spent the last two days with this man and appreciate David's work in this movement more each day. The only other person who has inspired me so is Senator Paul Wellstone! I believe that We The People-Move To Amend is part of a peaceful movement that is inevitable. The people still have the power. Corporations are not people! People live, breathe, love, and die. Corporate money is not speech! If we are to live in a country where corporate money is speech, then our freedom of speech is now up for the highest bidder!Multi-international corporations control more and more of our environment, our economy, our courts, too many of our politicians, our prisons, our military, our media, and, perhaps, most importantly, they, with our money, can control the "message"! David Cobb will detail what can be done. David will explain how we can get our country back!

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