Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Maybe if George Orwell’s book was titled “2010”, we would have better understood what was happening, maybe we would have listened to his warnings? Maybe if they had mistakenly called it what it was,” Corporations United” instead of what the mega-world corporations wanted, “Citizens United”, we wouldhave better understood what they have done to our way of governing, to us, to the people. Corporations now have control.

What a successful marketing campaign mega-world corporations have pulled off! They got the right people in the right place, our Supreme Court, they took one of our countries most cherished documents, our United States Constitution, and got them to redefine two of the most important words in that document, “speech” and “people” (or person), they redefined those words so that their money is legally the same as “speech” and they are legally the same as a “person”, they got the Supreme Court to call their case a name that means just the opposite, Citizens United, and you have a perfect takeover of our government, a government that is now by the mega-world corporations, for the mega-world corporations, and of mega-world corporations. “We the People” is now “We the Corporations”! What a successful marketing campaign! George Orwell must be spinning in his grave!                    


Saturday, April 26, 2014

This play is a true story that depicts the typical struggle of the American worker.  It is about the need for the protection of the lives of these workers who worked in a watch factory painting the “glow in the dark” radium on the watches that were being sold in the 1920’s.  It is being presented in the beautiful Duluth Denfeld High School by their theater group on May 1st through May 3rd.  This play is a wonderful educational opportunity for the students, as well as those attending the play.  This play gets at the heart of the relationship between workers and corporations whose only concern is about their bottom line….profit.


The lack of concern by companies for protecting the health, and welfare, of its employees continues today while corporate profits are soaring to heights never before seen on Earth while the wages of the workers, who are largely responsible for those profits, remain at poverty levels.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Ben and Jerry understand this and are part of the effort to amend our U.S. Constitution to get the intent of our Founding Fathers back to where a "person" is a flesh and blood person and our "speech" refers to people, vocal chords, and writing not corporate money! We must Move To Amend.


Supreme Court Justice Stevens was appointed by a conservative Republican and even he understands that Citizens United, in combination with McCutcheon, has turned not only our environment and our economy to the corporate world, but we have now turned our government, or republic/democracy over to them as well. He is very concerned. Every American should be concerned as well!


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

This should surprise...... no one!  The mega-world corporations have taken over our economy and are now taking over our system of government. The middle class, the people, are losing out to the very, very few!  Our Founding Fathers would be appalled that a government set up by, for, and of, the people is now by, for, and of, the mega-corporations.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Justice Stevens’s Solution for ‘Giant Step in Wrong Direction’
APRIL 21, 2014

Justice John Paul Stevens, appointed by Republican Gerald Ford, proposes an amendment to our Constitution to address Citizens United!http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/22/us/politics/justice-stevenss-prescription-for-giant-step-in-wrong-direction.html?hp

The following data  comes form the U.S. Census Bureau.  Compare the differences before 1979 to after 1979 and the impact on families in America.

What do you think of the trends in our economy that these two graphs detail for the periods from 1947 to 2008?
Do you see any solutions to these trends that can be taken at the national or state level?
The incredible good fortune for those earning over $500,000 per year mirrors the falling of the chances for most everyone else to be upwardly mobile in social and economic areas?
Why do you suppose that is?
Decades ago, the U.S. led the world in the chances for its citizens to be upwardly mobile - moving from low to middle or middle to high economic levels. Why do you suppose the U.S. has been falling behind in the ability of its citizens to be upwardly mobile and has been passed up by Denmark, Australia, Norway, Finland, Canada, Sweden, Germany and Italy?
Do you see the impact of this data on our children, and their children and basically everyone who has joined the workforce since 1979?
Do you think it is merely a coincidence that the good fortunes of those earning more than $500,000 per year directly mirrors the chances for low and middle level citizens to improve their situation during that same time period?

Sunday, April 6, 2014

 "The prevailing myth in America has been that the rich have a right to buy more homes, more cars, more gizmos, vacations and leisure. But they DON'T have the right to buy more democracy. The Supreme Court just laid that myth to rest, and the new gilded age roars in triumph."  Bill Moyers http://billmoyers.com/segment/mccutcheon-means-%E2%80%9Call-the-free-speech-you-can-buy%E2%80%9D/

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

This decision, along with Citizens United, declaring Mega-Corporations as a person and Corporate Money as the same as our speech, puts even more power in the hands of our Corporate government.