We had a great Duluth Area Move To Amend meeting last night Those of you who missed Robin Monahan's motivational comments, or live elsewhere, can catch a glimpse, the highlights, of what Robin and his brother, Laird, encountered as they traveled across America, on foot, by watching the 7 minute video below. The world needs more people such as Robin and Laird. They saw a problem and set about to help solve it. Robin continues his efforts back in his own community. Laird passed away late last fall. Our community, our world, needs everyone to step up, in his/her own way and, at the very least, learn about how are country has been changed by Citizens United. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsfnKfufeNI

Do you want to know more?
Our system of government, that was setup with best intentions, has been taken over by the Mega-World Corporations. They have successfully figured out how to focus our society on profit and not on people. Many people do not realize that, in 2010, the Mega-World Corporate Lawyers were successful in getting our own Supreme Court to re-define the words "person" and "speech". The words are still there but, using the Orwellian language of "Citizens United", they redefined "person" to include Mega-World Corporations, and the word "speech" to include corporate money. Profit, not people now rules!
What happened? What can be done?..................please view this 8 minute video.
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