Monday, March 31, 2014
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Friday, March 28, 2014
I have found this group to be the best/most successful group working to fix this of any that I have checked into:
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Nearly 300 of the nation’s most profitable companies paid an average tax rate of 18.5 percent from 2008 to 2010, less than half of the 35 percent corporate tax rate, according to a study by the Citizens for Tax Justice released Thursday. Of the 280 companies, 78 studied paid a tax rate of zero or less during at least one year of the three year period.And thirty companies, the report says, had a negative income tax rate from 2008 to 2010, even though they took home a combined $160 billion in pre-tax profits.
The financial services industry netted the largest share — at 16.8 percent — of the $222.7 billion in total tax subsidies that the companies received, the study found. Wells Fargo took home the most tax subsidies of them all, raking in nearly $18 billion in tax breaks over the last three years.

Saturday, March 22, 2014
Global Climate Change, air-water-food contamination, the minimum wage, fracking, pipelines, disbelief of solid science, excessive military spending, privatized incarceration, the income gap are all issues, all symptoms, of the problem. The problem is the takeover of our media and politics by mega-world corporations. "We The People" have less, and less, of a voice in our government. Bill Moyers gets it!, March 21, 2014
Who DO you support?
It's easy to complain about those people who have been
elected. It's always interesting
to ask: ""Who DO you support?" That will tell you a lot about the motivation of the complainer. Bernie Sanders, an Independent Senator
from Vermont, one of the longest serving elected officials in Washington D.C.,
is someone I appreciate and Elizabeth Warren, from Massachusetts, seems to
understand what is needed in our country.
Here is someone, Marianne Williamson, from California, who makes a lot
of sense. We need more people like
Marianne to get involved:
Marianne understands that this is going to be a huge
struggle as it has taken us a long time to get to where we are. She understands the place of Move To
Amend in the grassroots efforts that is needed in our country to get our
country back from a government by, of, and for, the corporate world. "We the People" will start
with candidates such as Marianne.
I think it will be a good use of your time to watch this half hour
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
We had a great Duluth Area Move To Amend meeting last night Those of you who missed Robin Monahan's motivational comments, or live elsewhere, can catch a glimpse, the highlights, of what Robin and his brother, Laird, encountered as they traveled across America, on foot, by watching the 7 minute video below. The world needs more people such as Robin and Laird. They saw a problem and set about to help solve it. Robin continues his efforts back in his own community. Laird passed away late last fall. Our community, our world, needs everyone to step up, in his/her own way and, at the very least, learn about how are country has been changed by Citizens United.
Do you want to know more?
Our system of government, that was setup with best intentions, has been taken over by the Mega-World Corporations. They have successfully figured out how to focus our society on profit and not on people. Many people do not realize that, in 2010, the Mega-World Corporate Lawyers were successful in getting our own Supreme Court to re-define the words "person" and "speech". The words are still there but, using the Orwellian language of "Citizens United", they redefined "person" to include Mega-World Corporations, and the word "speech" to include corporate money. Profit, not people now rules!
Do you want to know more?
Our system of government, that was setup with best intentions, has been taken over by the Mega-World Corporations. They have successfully figured out how to focus our society on profit and not on people. Many people do not realize that, in 2010, the Mega-World Corporate Lawyers were successful in getting our own Supreme Court to re-define the words "person" and "speech". The words are still there but, using the Orwellian language of "Citizens United", they redefined "person" to include Mega-World Corporations, and the word "speech" to include corporate money. Profit, not people now rules!
What happened? What can be done?..................please view this 8 minute video.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Our system of government, that was setup with best intentions, has been taken over by the Mega-World Corporations. They have successfully figured out how to focus our society on profit and not on people. Many people do not realize that, in 2010, the Mega-World Corporate Lawyers were successful in getting our own Supreme Court to re-define the words "person" and "speech". The words are still there but, using the Orwellian language of "Citizens United", they redefined "person" to include Mega-World Corporations, and the word "speech" to include corporate money. Profit, not people now rules!
What happened? What can be done?..................please view this 8 minute video.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Thank you to everyone who wrote letters, sent emails, and made phone calls, to legislators. House File 276 is now one step closer to reality. The great news is that HF276 passed in the Civil Law Committee, on Wednesday, and will be moving to the full house later in the session. We have one more hurdle to jump. It will help if you will contract your House of Representative and thank them for their support when HF276 comes up for a vote. Many have committed to support this. Dozens have agreed/wanted to be co-authors of this historic legislation but we still need the help of the following 6 Minnesota Representatives to keep the legislation “clean”, identical to the SF 17 that passed the Minnesota Senate last session:
Kurt Daudt - 651-296-5364
David Dill - 651-296-2190
Ron Erhardt - 651-296-4363
Ben Lien - 651-296-5515
Gene Pelowski - 651-296-8637
Jeanne Poppe - 651-296-4193
Dean Urdahl - 651-296-4344
The above Representatives may very well be supporting HF276, when it comes up for a vote, but I/we have not heard of a solid commitment from these legislators. We need their help to make Minnesota the 17th state to pass legislation, since last fall, to reverse the impact of the Citizens United Supreme Court decision, with the Orwellian title “Citizens United”. That 2010 decision left the words in our United States Constitution intact but changed the definition of two very important words “speech” and “people” such than now mega-world corporations are granted the same rights as a person (Corporate Personhood) and their money is now the same as our free speech. Corporations are not a person and money is not speech!
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead
Kurt Daudt - 651-296-5364
David Dill - 651-296-2190
Ron Erhardt - 651-296-4363
Ben Lien - 651-296-5515
Gene Pelowski - 651-296-8637
Jeanne Poppe - 651-296-4193
Dean Urdahl - 651-296-4344
The above Representatives may very well be supporting HF276, when it comes up for a vote, but I/we have not heard of a solid commitment from these legislators. We need their help to make Minnesota the 17th state to pass legislation, since last fall, to reverse the impact of the Citizens United Supreme Court decision, with the Orwellian title “Citizens United”. That 2010 decision left the words in our United States Constitution intact but changed the definition of two very important words “speech” and “people” such than now mega-world corporations are granted the same rights as a person (Corporate Personhood) and their money is now the same as our free speech. Corporations are not a person and money is not speech!
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead
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