Sunday, December 29, 2013

I have become, sort of, a single-issue voter. In this case the single issue encompasses most everyones main issue(s). I don't think we can get the political power, the judicial power, and the financial power we need until "Citizens United" is rejected. This one, single issue, plays the prominent role in the living wage issue and the environmental issues of fracking, global climate change, sulfide mining, and tar sands refining. The concentration of power into the hands of the agricultural biotechnological, the big oil and energy, pharmaceutical and medical, financial and big banks, and the military industrial complexes, conglomerates, and mega-world corporations, has removed the power from the people. We no longer live in a democracy, nor a representative republic, but we have moved to a "corporatocracy". The biggest impact is probably in the area concerning all of the money that corporations are using to control elections and to control the way we think.

The ability of mega-world corporations to elect who they want, and pass the laws that they want, when they want, has skyrocketed in recent years, particularly since the "Citizens United" Supreme Court ruling of 2010. Move To Amend can be the connection we can all share to move our particular causes forward and get the power back to "We The People……". This is our Duluth Area Move To Amend Facebook page:     

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