Monday, November 18, 2013

You must watch this 30 minute "Dollarocracy" Bill Moyers Special to the very end. Some have termed this "Coporatocracy". This is Republican, Democrats, and Independents working together. It is catching on like wildfire! We can change the way American is NOT working:                           

Full Show: How Dollarocracy is Destroying America

November 8, 2013
The money and power behind this week’s election results confirm what everyone knows: democracy is under siege. Corporations buy elections with virtually unlimited cash and big media conglomerates reap billions from political advertising.
This week on Moyers & Company, Bill talks to John Nichols andRobert McChesney about America’s transformation into a dollarocracy and what we can do to get our political system back on track. Nichols is the Washington correspondent for The Nation and McChesney is a leading professor and scholar of communications and society at the University of Illinois. Their latest book is Dollarocracy: How the Money and Media Election Complex Is Destroying America.
Also this week, executive director of the National Lawyers GuildHeidi Boghosian joins Bill for a conversation on the illicit surveillance strategies used by the government and corporations to track us all. In her book Spying on Democracy: Government Surveillance, Corporate Power, and Public Resistance, she has collected stories of how public and private sector surveillance has turned innocent lives upside down and has been used to suppress journalists, whistleblowers and activists.
Learn more about the production team behind Moyers & Company.

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