Saturday, July 20, 2013

Why is it that lead was added to our air, and water, even though it was a known hazard?  Profits!

Why is it that asbestos was dumped into Lake Superior even though it was causing severe lung problems? Profits!

Why is it that sulfur was added to our air even though we knew it would combine with water to form acid rain? Profits!

Why do many of our food products have so many preservatives added that it will have a shelf life of 10 to 42 days…and higher even though we don't know the detrimental effect on people! Profits!

Why did companies fight to continue dumping asbestos into Lake Superior, fighting regulations to clean up their act, even after it was a proven carcinogen? Profits!

Why do we continue to add carbon to our air even though we know the effects that have already happened, and will continue to happen related to Global Climate Change? Profits!

Why are some corporations fighting so hard to do sulfide mining in Northern Minnesota even though no company has ever done so without leaving behind thousands of acres of polluted water? Profits!

Why do so many corporations fight limits on mercury release even though our lakes, our fish, our food is showing dangerous increases in mercury contamination? Profits!

Why did so many corporations fight the removal of lead from household paint even though lead was known to cause retardation in our children? Profits!
Why do corporations continue to fight for the right to dump toxic wastes into our oceans even though we know it can be quickly passed along the food chain and will end up being in our seafood? Profits!
Why do many corporations fight limits to what they can put into landfills, dumps, and mines even though we know those landfills, dumps, and mines leak chemicals and heavy metals?  Profits!
Why do corporations continue to fight against limits to the lead they can dump into our oceans, and put into their products such as lead batteries, fishing lures, bullets, some ceramic ware, even though we know that that lead damages the brain, kidney, reproductive systems, and has been shown to cause low IQ scores, slow growth, and hearing problems for small children? Profits! 
Why are we finding more and more medical waste in our oceans, and environment, even though we know they have an impact on the transmission of diseases?  Profits!
The very things that help keep too many mega-corporations alive kill and cripple  people.  Corporations are not people!  Corporations should not have the same protections for their money as people have for free speech.  The very things that harm people, help too many mega-corporations to stay alive!  Transparency should be a requirement for corporations.  Corporations should be required to show what laws they are buying and which politicians they are donating money to.

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