Monday, March 18, 2013

What will they do? News outlets suggest that this is sending shockwaves around the world! The very, very wealthy among us, along with many mega-corporations, thought their money was safe in a Swiss bank accounts, in the past, but then the Swiss government started cooperating with our IRS. Cyprus, the Netherlands, and certain island locations, such as the Cayman Islands, had not... caved in and have now replaced Swiss banks, as a safe harbor, for their “extra” money. Evidently, the very, very wealthy, from Russia, have learned, from their American counterparts, and have been stashing their money in Cyprus bank accounts. And now Cyprus is going to bail out on them! Cyprus banks are threatening to do exactly what mega-corporations and so many other very, very wealthy individuals, have been trying to avoid, paying taxes, or an amount similar to taxes. They prefer to keep things working just as they have been. Cyprus banks are upsetting the apple cart! They are contemplating taking an amount from their Cyprus bank accounts, 10%, that is even more than they would have to pay if they claimed the money and were taxed on it! The nerve! Fortunately for those who want to stash money, undetected by our IRS, those other “safe” countries are still operating the way they want them to. You can check out how well this is still working for many mega-wealthy individuals and mega-corporations at:

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