Sunday, February 24, 2013

It is my impression that the Republican Party of today isn't anything like the Republican Party that I grew up with. This Republican Party Platform, from when I was 6 years old, 1956, shows the amazing change that has take place with the Republican Party in recent years.

The 2012 Republican Executive Summary has over 300 bullet points and can be viewed here:

Notice the hidden language and the emphasis on corporate control, permitting environmental deregulation based on state’s rights and local control.

Notice the use of “overhaul” and “restructure”, “wind down”, and “reform”, “downsize”, and “privatize” when they actually mean “eliminate”.

Notice the focus on reducing all taxes, estate (they call it “death taxes”), and across the board 20% tax reduction that would eventually have to be made up with increased taxes on pay as you go taxes and middle income taxes.  They call for the elimination of capital gains taxes and interest income taxes and alternative minimum taxes.

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