Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Possible Solution to U.S. Unemployment

A possible solution to the problem of major corporations sending jobs oversees could be a strong international union representing workers around the world.

Just like the unions played a very important role in helping the United States to become industrialized,
multi-national unions may do the same for workers around the world.  The unions played an important role insuring living wages, protecting workers from excessive overtime, guaranteeing clean air to breath and clean water to drink.

Corporations have taken advantage of workers overseas.  They are working and living in cramped quarters, forced to work 80+ hours per week in working conditions that are inhumane and for pay that does not reflect their contribution to large amounts of money they are making for the corporation they are working for.

Requiring multi-national companies to abide by reasonable working conditions overseas would be a boon to workers, and job possibilities, here in the United States.  United States workers are the most productive workers in the world but they can not, and should not, have to compete with workers who are forced to work under inhumane working conditions for pay that doesn't reflect the important contribution they are making to the large corporations.

There was a time, in the United States, when the unions were drastically needed.  There was a time, in the United States, when the unions played an important role in the United States economy.  Perhaps that need is diminished here in the United States but the lack of acceptable working conditions and pay for workers overseas puts Unites States workers at an extreme disadvantage.  Perhaps there is a need for unions overseas to protect those workers (just as there was from the early 1900's here in the United States) and, in turn, help protect jobs here in the United States.

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