Tuesday, April 23, 2013

70% of Americans believe that the Republican Party is out of touch with America.
100%, of the 70% of Americans who believe the Republican Party is out of touch, is correct.

The extreme right wing of the Republican Party has lived by the following statements, at various times in history:
You can’t free slaves or America will collapse.
You can’t allow unionization or American industry will collapse.
You can’t grant civil rights to women or society will collapse.
You can’t legalize gay marriage or society will collapse.
You can’t raise the debt ceiling or the economy will collapse.
You can’t regulate pollution or industry will collapse.
You can’t grant equal rights to minorities or society will collapse.
You can’t collect Federal income taxes or America’s economy will collapse.
You can’t restrict child labor or American industry will collapse.
You can’t establish Social Security or the American economy will collapse.
You can’t enforce a minimum wage or American industry will collapse.
You can’t permit interracial marriages or American society will collapse.
You can’t allow Communism or America will collapse.
You can’t end segregation or American society will collapse.
You can’t create Medicare or the American economy will collapse.
You can’t grant equal rights to minorities or American society will collapse.
You can’t teach about Aids or sex education or society will collapse.

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