This is good news in Minnesota!
Please let legislators who supported this effort know how much you appreciate their effort. We now have our Move to Amend legislation in the Minnesota House, HF 3650, and in our Minnesota Senate, SF2404! We have also picked up an important co-author in the Minnesota House, House Minority Leader, Representative Paul Thissen. Please continue to encourage your MN Senators, and Representatives, to continue their efforts to act on behalf of the will of the people of Minnesota! 70% to 90% of Minnesotans favor this effort! Thanks to all of you who have contacted your state senator and representative asking them to support the “We the People” bill. If you have not it is still important that each one hears from constituents that it is critical that this bill is passed.
Here is that legislation - House File 3650:
To find out who your representative and senator are go to this link -
This link also has their email address and phone number.
Samples letters and a fact sheet are on our webpage at:
It is very important that we know how your senator and representative will vote on this bill. If she/he is not in favor of it, please let us know the reason for taking that position. Report your actions and results of your actions at:
If your representative is Rep. Dehn, Rosenthal, Bernardy, or Thissen or your senator is Senator Marty, Carlson, Clausen, Jensen or Dahle, please thank them for sponsoring the bill.