Saturday, February 14, 2015

White House correspondent, Sarah Jones', exposition of corporate personhood, references the movie, "The Corporation". She uses its “personality diagnostic checklist” to diagnose modern corporations:                                                                                                                                           


Callous disregard for the feelings of others. CHECK!

Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships.CHECK!

Reckless disregard for the safety of others. CHECK!

Deceitfulness: repeated lying and conniving others for profit. CHECK!

Incapacity to experience guilt. CHECK!

Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors. CHECK!


Her conclusion, if corporations are people: “CORPORATIONS ARE PSYCHOPATHS!”

Fact is, while one party is more blatant in its ties to corporate governance, both parties, with exceptions in each, are up to their elbows in corporate PAC money during campaigns for office. 
Ms. Jones concludes “This pathological pursuit of political power at the expense of the people must stop,” We need candidates who run on a campaign of putting people, not corporate interests, first. More importantly, they then need to govern that way. For congressional candidates and people running for state legislatures, that means, first and foremost, abolishing the illegitimate rights of all associations by passing and ratifying an amendment to the Constitution. If the Framers had intended associations to have rights, they would have said so." Sarah Jones is a White House correspondent for PoliticusUSA. TEXT "SIGN" to 707-656-4019 to join, or go to the Move To Amend Effort to check it out.

Friday, February 13, 2015

CAN YOU GUESS who plans to call the shots in America from here on out?

In less than 5 years, since the Supreme Court declared, through their Citizens United ruling, that money is the same as free speech, this is the result. This spending doesn't count the money that they, and others, are spending through Dark Money and Super PACs! The people must change what our country has become - a focus of profit over people. The people must Move To Amend! Is this the America that American's want? Is this the America that our Founding Fathers envisioned?

 Trivia question: who is the largest foreign lease-holder of Canadian tar sands oil?

Yep!..Don't look behind the curtain.......look over there!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

YES, THE ARCTIC ICE IS MELTING!  Yes, this is real. This one minute video shows the images of the melting Arctic, along with the graph.  This evidence is particularly startling, especially since the late 1990’s.  This is the most direct evidence I have seen: 

You can see even more evidence here:

No, this is not a hoax.  No, this is not science fiction.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

"Why did America become more equal in the first three decades

 after World War II, and less equal during the last three decades?

Because in the earlier period we (1) increased public investment in education and infrastructure (hugely expanded K-12 and public higher education, created the interstate highways system); (2) financed by a high tax on the top dollars of the wealthy (never below 70%, 91% under Eisenhower); (3) created strong unions (in the 1950s, 35% of all private-sector workers belonged to one), and (4) made banking boring (with laws against interstate banking, mixing commercial and investment banking, and investment banks going public).

Over the last three decades, we went into reverse. We (1) diminished public investment as share of GDP; (2) lowered tax rates on top dollars of wealthy (to 28% under Reagan, now 36.9%); (3) busted unions (now 6% of private sector workers unionized); and (4) deregulated banking, allowing Wall Street to run the economy.
We also grew faster, on average, during the first period than the second.
So why did we make this giant U-turn?"  Robert Reich

You can see the results here: