Sunday, June 29, 2014

You are invited to attend this free David Cobb Event!

The Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling is just the latest - and most blatant – example that corporations have hijacked our government. The ruling opened the door to a floodgate of corporate money in elections and leaves ordinary citizens little opportunity to participate in our democracy. Corporations are using OUR legal system against us! David Cobb, co-founder of “We The People” - National Move To Amend, will be speaking at the Coppertop Church on Tuesday, July 22nd, starting at 7:00 p.m. Coffee and cookies/bars/treats will be served.
Please bring a friend! Please bring 2 friends! Please bring your neighbors! The public is encouraged to attend! We can use help with publicity, letters to the editor, sharing with email friends and Facebook Friends, discussing this with friends and neighbors, etc. etc.
(David Cobb is a lawyer, political activist, and engaged citizen. He has dedicated his adult life to making the promise of a democratic republic a reality in America. He has sued corporate polluters, lobbied elected officials, run for political office himself, and has been arrested for non-violent civil disobedience. He truly believes we must use ALL the tools in the toolbox to effect the systemic social change we so desperately need.)

Saturday, June 21, 2014

While the primary focus of Fox remains on Benghazi, they totally ignore these comparisons. How much time did they spend on this during previous administrations? It's easy see why surveys show that Fox is the only media outlet in which the people, who rely on it for their news, end up knowing less about what is going on in the world than those who don't use any news source at all.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Ask them what the major problems are in our government and they will respond: "Too Many regulations"! Ask them what they think of Corporate Personhood, that gives them the same rights, but none of the responsibilities, as a person, as you or I, and they will respond: " We already got it! We also need to make sure that our money is the same as your free speech. we need to have unlimited ability to lobby with absolutely not transparency!" They got their wish with Citizens United,in 2010, and McCutcheon, in 2014. We must get our government back in the hands of the people, just as our Founding Fathers intended.

Friday, June 6, 2014

In our new government, a corporatocracy, where mega-world corporations are, legally, a person and their money is, legally, the same as our speech, why are our political representatives so far removed from the general public? One part of the answer is that over 50% of them are now millionaires or billionaires. They have become part of the ruling elite. They will not rule against their best interest.