I believe these statements to be true:
We have already located all of the necessary oil, and gas, reserves to destroy our environment. We have enough, already in our possession. We do not need fracking. We do not need to explore in the Arctic or Antarctic. We do not need to do more off shore oil drilling, nor off shore oil and gas exploration. We do not need to add any additional oil and gas pipelines. We, oil companies, already have enough oil and gas in our/their possession to destroy our environment, as we know it. This destruction is not going to happen 25 years, or 50 years, into the future, it is already happening. This destruction is going to get worse. It is going to be expensive to save our environment but we already have the technology in our possession to so. Some might say that it is already too late. Others might even say that this is just a natural cycle of our sun and isn’t our fault. So what! Even if they are right, why would they, why would the rest of us, not do something to do the best we can to turn this around? I believe the best organization in the world, that is in a position to do something about this is,“350.org”. Why wouldn’t everyone, why won’t you, join this group to do what they/you can to slow this destruction down? http://350.org/
# http://350.org/#
Henry Ford understood how silly, how short sighted, it was was that we were mining oil, gas, and coal reserves, that took millions of years to develop in the Earth, and use them up in a matter of decades. Henry Ford was not ahead of his time. The rest of us have taken too much time to catch up with his thinking.
Thomas Edison said: "I think we should put our money on "solar". He was not just ahead of his time. The rest of us have taken too much time to catch up with his thinking.
Thomas Edison said: "I think we should put our money on "solar". He was not just ahead of his time. The rest of us have taken too much time to catch up with his thinking.
Check our what climate scientists are predicting the near future:
What evidence is there that this is accurate?
What evidence is there that this is accurate? Who doesn't believe National Geographic?http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/12/1206_041206_global_warming.htmlhttp://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/12/1206_041206_global_warming.html
http:// news.nationalgeographic.com/ news/2004/12/ 1206_041206_global_warming.html http://news.nationalg