Sunday, August 26, 2012

Did you ever wonder what all of these banks are doing on the Cayman Islands?

You can see those banks on the Cayman Islands, here:
Here is what those businesses are doing in the Cayman Islands?  Why does Apple have a Corporate Headquarters in the Netherlands?
(Click on the web address below this image to view)


Here are two graphs that reveal a serious problem!

Here are two graphs that reveal a serious problem!

What do you think of the trends in our economy that these two graphs detail for the periods from 1947 to 2008?

Do you see any solutions to these trends that can be taken at the national or state level?

The incredible good fortune for those earning over $500,000 per year mirrors the falling of the chances for most everyone else to be upwardly mobile in social and economic areas?

Why do you suppose that is?

Decades ago, the U.S. led the world in the chances for its citizens to be upwardly mobile - moving from low to middle or middle to high economic levels. Why do you suppose the U.S. has been falling behind in the ability of its citizens to be upwardly mobile and has been passed up by Denmark, Australia, Norway, Finland, Canada, Sweden, Germany and Italy?

Do you see the impact of this data on our children, and their children and basically everyone who has joined the workforce since 1979?

Do you think it is merely a coincidence that the good fortunes of those earning more than $500,000 per year directly mirrors the chances for low and middle level citizens to improve their situation during that same time period?

Saturday, August 25, 2012

What You Won't Hear From President Obama's Critics!

What you won't hear from President Obama's detractors!

What you will hear from President Obama detractors is that President Obama has been president for 40 straight months of unemployment over 8%, while that is true, what they won't tell you is that when President Obama took office from President Bush unemployment was at 10.8% and we were losing 455,000 jobs per month. They won't bother to mention that the United States has now had 29 months of job GAINS to the tune of over 150,000 jobs per month. Is that drop in unemployment too small to suggest that President Obama should be re-elected to another four years? President Regan was in office when unemployment increased from 7.5% in January of 1981 to 10.8% in January of 1983.

What you will hear detractors say is that the U.S. economy is tanking, following a tanking housing market, but what you won't hear is that the United States is officially in a RECOVERY, albeit a very slow, steady recovery and the housing market is in positive territory in 29 of the 30 largest housing markets in the entire United States. Prices are on the rise, time on the market is on the decline, and interest rates remain at the lowest level in many years in each of those 29 markets.

What you might hear is that President Obama is against corporations and businesses but what you won't hear is that United States corporations and business have had the best 3+ years EVER! No president in over 75 years has seen more positive results for the first term of a presidency. You won't hear that big businesses and corporations are paying the highest dividends EVER in the history of the U.S. economy! Is the trickle down theory working for middle class citizens as Republicans suggest it should be?

What you might hear is that President Obama has taken $750 billion out of Medicare to fund the Affordable Health Care Act - commonly known as Obamacare. What you won't hear is that the $750 billion is not cuts in Medicare or services but, instead, is savings to the program due to increased numbers of individuals paying into the system, and avoidance of duplication, and they won't tell you that Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney use same $750 billion in their cost analysis figures for their plan towards the privatization of Medicare!

What you might hear is that President Obama has brought about socialized health care in just 3+ years of his presidency but you won't hear that the mandatory health insurance was first developed by the Heritage Foundation, a
Republican think tank. You won't hear that prominant Republicans lobbied for the exact same mandatory health care process as the Affordable Health Care Act in answer to President Clinton's single payer system. You won't hear that Republican, Mitt Romney, championed that very same mandatory health insurance as the Affordable Health Care Act, instituted it in Massachusetts, when he was governor of that state. You won't hear that republican, Mitt Romney, championed that very same mandatory health insurance, instituted it in Massachutetes, when he was governor of that state, and he encouraged the federal government to use his state as a model. Mitt Romney is, justifiably, proud of that accomplishment.

What you will hear from detractors of President Obama is that our country can't stand another four years of uncontrolled spending on the part of the Obama Administration. What you won't hear is that President Obama has been in charge of the presidency when there has been the least increase in federal spending since Eisenhower. You won't hear that when inflation is taken into account, President Obama is the only president in recent history to be in charge when there was an actual decrease in federal spending.

What you might hear is that President Obama believes in bigger government and is reckless with the growth of our government. What you won't hear is that the Obama Administration has been in charge when there has been an actual decrease in the number of government workers, which is a first in many decades and includes both Democrat and Republican administrations. You won't hear that the largest increase in government workers took place during the eight years of a Republican administration and that that administration was in charge when the greatest number of government workers existed, EVER.

What you will hear is that President Obama has not lived up to his promise of reducing the federal deficit. What you won't hear is that President Obama inherited an economy on the brink of disaster. You won't hear that President Obama should get credit for the fact that the economy did not collapse, the recession has actually ended and unemployment is has gone down from a high of 10.8% to 8.3% and we are officially in a recovery with 29 straight months of positive job growth.

What you will hear is that gas prices are very high and that it is his policies that are to blame. What you won't hear is that the policies of President Obama have affected natural gas and propane prices and they are at the lowest they have been since 2004 and that that is helping to keep the overall cost of energy down.

You will hear that President Obama's policies are going to result in the devaluing of the U.S. dollar and inflation is going to go through the roof. What you won't hear is that, while President Obama has been in charge, inflation has been held at bay with the yearly inflation rate below 2%, one of the lowest increases in inflation of any recent Republican or Democratic president in over 60 years. The U.S. dollar continues to remain strong and has done so throughout the term of President Obama.

Detractors of President Obama will suggest that President Obama is working against the oil industry but the fact is that domestic oil and gas production are at historic highs since President Obama has been in charge compared to all Democratic and Republican presidents ever. You won't hear that President Obama was in charge when the United States became an oil and gas producer such that oil companies are now producing more United States oil and gas than the United States needs, and thus, are now importing oil and gas to other countries.

What you will hear is that President Obama has been president for 40 straight months of unemployment over 8%, while that is true, what they won't tell you is that when President Obama took office from President Bush unemployment was at 10.8% and we were losing 455,000 jobs per month. They won't bother to mention that the United States has now had 29 months of job GAINS to the tune of over 150,000 jobs per month.

What you will hear is that the economy is tanking but what you won't hear is that the United States is officially in a RECOVERY, albeit a very slow, steady recovery.

What you might hear is that President Obama is against corporations and businesses but what you won't hear is that United States corporations and business have had the best 3+ years EVER! No president in over 75 years has seen more positive results for the first term of a presidency. You won't hear that big businesses and corporations are paying the highest dividends EVER in the history of the U.S. economy! Is the "trickle down" theory working for the middle class as the Republicans say it should be?

What you might hear is that President Obama has taken $750 billion out of Medicare to fund Obamacare. What you won't hear is that the $750 billion is not cuts in Medicare but, instead, is savings to the program due to increased usage and duplication and they won't tell you that Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney use same $750 billion figure in their plan towards the privatization of Medicare!

What you might hear is that President Obama has brought about socialized health care in just 3+ years of his presidency but you won't hear that the mandatory health insurance was first developed by the Heritage Foundation, a republican think tank. You won't hear that republicans lobbied for the exact same mandatory health care process in answer to President Clinton's single payer system. You won't hear that republican, Mitt Romney, championed that very same mandatory health insurance, instituted it in Massachutetes when he was governor of that state, and encouraged the federal government to use his state as a model. Mitt Romney is, justifiably, proud of that accomplishment.

What you will hear is that our country can't stand another four years of uncontrolled spending on the part of the Obama Administration. What you won't hear is that President Obama has been in charge of the presidency when there has been the least increase in federal spending since Eisenhower. You won't hear that when inflation is taken into account, President Obama is the only president in recent history to be in charge when there was an actual decrease in federal spending.

What you might hear is that President Obama believes in bigger government and is reckless with the growth of our government. What you won't hear is that the Obama Administration has been in charge when there has been an actual decrease in the number of government workers, which is a first in many decades and includes both Democrat and republican administrations. You won't hear that the largest increase in government workers took place during the eight years of a republican administration and that that administration was in charge when the greatest number of government workers existed, EVER.

What you will hear is that President Obama has not lived up to his promise of reducing the federal deficit. What you won't hear is that President Obama inherited an economy on the brink of disaster. You won't hear that President Obama should get credit for the fact that the economy did not collapse, the recession has actually ended and unemployment is has gone down from a high of 10.8% to 8.3% and we are officially in a recovery with 29 straight weeks of positive job growth.

What you will hear is that gas prices are very high and that it is the policies of President Obama that are to blame. What you won't hear is that natural gas and propane prices are at the lowest they have been since 2004 and that the policies of President Obama are helping to keep the overall cost of energy down.

You will hear that President Obama's policies are going to result in the devaluing of the U.S. dollar and inflation is going to go through the roof. What you won't hear is that, while President Obama has been in charge, inflation has been held at bay with the yearly inflation rate below 2%, one of the lowest increases in inflation of any recent Republican or Democratic president in recent history. The U.S. dollar remains relatively strong and has done so throughout the term of President Obama.

Detractors of President Obama will suggest that he doesn't support the military but you won't hear them mention that the President and First Lady traveled to Fort Stewert to meet with over 10,000 soldiers and families to sign an Executive Order that such that our servicemen now have their Post 9/11 GI Bill extended. With that Executive Order more than 550,000 veterans and 325,000 service members pursued education last year and an additional 38,000 military spouses used their Military Spouse Career Advancment Account benefit to advance their education. President Obama has been commander-in-chief for over three years and military personnel seem to appreciate HIS service. They are contributing to his re-election campaign at five times the rate that they’re contributing to Mitt Romney’s.

You might hear detractors of President Obama suggest he wasn't born in the United States, won't wear an American flag pin, is a communist or socialist, that he turns his back on the American flag, or that he had the American flag removed from Air Force One.   Even Mitt Romney has participated in some of these attacks such as the attack ad accusing President Obama of dropping welfare-to-work requirements that were found to be "Blatantly False" Wildly Misleading", "False", Widely Debunked", Mind-Boggling", and "Pants on Fire False" by online fact checkers. Even Mitt Romney's and Paul Ryan's repeated charge that President Obama stole 716 billion dollars, resulting in the cutting of Medicare services, from Medicare has been proven to be blatently false - see  What you won't hear is the hatred, bigotry, and/or racism that are behind so many of those false charges.YouTube - Videos from this email

See why middle class taxpayers are having to cover for tax rates on the very,very wealthy of from 0% to 14%t!/photo.php?fbid=241307762617157&set=a.241307759283824.57184.241304559284144&type=1&theater
YouTube - Videos from this email